Jeans for Genes Week -Wear your Jeans on Friday, 20th September, and donate £2 to support those living with a genetic condition

Headteacher's Welcome Message

Welcome to our School

May I extend a warm welcome to St John of Jerusalem C of E Primary School. We are a small, friendly, one-form entry school with a strong Christian character. We can promise a school with a warm and caring ethos, which is embedded in our Christian values and underpins our school life. Our core values are an intrinsic part of who we are and we have strong links with our local church: St John of Jerusalem Church.

We strive for excellence in all we do and to instil a love for learning through a rich and broad curriculum and extended activities. We have a friendly staff team who are passionate about children achieving the best possible outcomes and who strive to provide an excellent education for all. Our children are eager to learn, respectful, kind and polite. 

We work in close partnership with our parents, families and the wider community. Our school community is diverse, which reflects the fact that we are in the heart of Hackney. We utilise every opportunity for our children to learn from their surroundings and enrich their experiences.

We hope you enjoy our website and that it gives you a good feel for who we are and what we do, and of course, all visits to our school are warmly welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs René Africa

Interim Headteacher