Jeans for Genes Week -Wear your Jeans on Friday, 20th September, and donate £2 to support those living with a genetic condition


OutRight is Unicef UK’s annual campaign for children and young people, empowering them to speak out about the importance of children’s rights. A campaign by children, for children, OutRight is a celebration of the UNCRC, the anniversary of which falls on 20 November, World Children’s Day. OutRight is about promoting and protecting children’s right to health, with a focus on the impact of air pollution on children and young people. 

Click here for more information on UNICEF

St. John of Jerusalem aims to empower our children from as young as possible to speak up and promote their rights in the UK and around the world. Every September, each class year discusses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and uses it to build their own class charter. As a result, our children are incredibly enthusiastic and knowledgeable about discussing their rights.
Over the last two weeks, our children have been learning about how air pollution impacts on Article 24 of the UN Convention:
'A children's right to good health and a clean environment'
Each class then created postcards that have now been posted to Michael Gove, The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Our aim is to push through positve change, led by our children.