Jeans for Genes Week -Wear your Jeans on Friday, 20th September, and donate £2 to support those living with a genetic condition

Religious Education and Collective Worship

At St John of Jerusalem C of E Primary School, children are taught to understand and respect the importance of religious beliefs in their world. We encourage children to use and develop their skills in RE and to participate in critical thinking. We aim to ensure that the RE curriculum is challenging, dynamic and relevant to pupils of all ages, and we follow the scheme of work set by the London Diocese. In the Foundation Stage, RE is taught through topics based on children’s own lives and their own experiences. During Key Stage 1, the study of Christianity is introduced and aspects of Judaism and Islam are taught. There is also a consideration for non-religious beliefs. In Key Stage 2, the study of Christianity is developed and religious beliefs within Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam are explored. Each classroom has an RE area for reflection, and a class RE book to put in work and pictures they have done as a class.
Religious Education Curriculum Map