
RSHE and Core Learning Skills

         PSHE and RSE is taught in an age-appropriate manner using the 6 key areas of focus:

  • Healthy bodies, healthy minds
  • Healthy and happy friendships
  • Families and committed relationships
  • Caring and responsibilities
  • Similarities and differences
  • Coping with change
 We start with Health and Wellbeing to ensure all our pupils are ready and prepared both physically and mentally to be successful at school. We ensure that they are ready for their learning. We conclude with Living in the Wider World to deal with change for all pupils transitioning to a new year group or school. To support all learners becoming responsible citizens, we incorporate our Core Learning Skills within our school values and ethos. They complement the PSHE/RSE curriculum and is celebrated on a weekly basis as a whole school community with two pupils per class receiving certificates for their achievements and efforts. Our curriculum similarly complements the school values of: Love of God, Love of Learning and Love of One Another, allowing pupils to thrive and develop into responsible, balanced and confident individuals.
Online Safety is embedded within this area to ensure pupils understand how to stay safe and make the right choices.